

Nov 25, 2021

Yesterday was Thanksgiving. Most of us have so many things we are thankful for. Family. Friends. Jobs. Graduations. Weddings. What are you thankful for this holiday season? All of those things are on my list. However, if you asked me what I’m most thankful for I would tell you, I’m thankful to work with a group of people doing so much to help others find the blessings of Christ and the gospel in their lives —especially when their immediate circumstance argues against giving thanks for ANYTHING!

I’m thankful for the wonderful group of counselors who have answered the call to bring Hope to Life for the people who seek us out. I’m thankful for our board members who volunteer their time, talent and resources to help guide the Hope team.

And I’m particularly thankful for you, the people who support Hope with your prayers and your financial gifts. Hope would not, in fact could not, exist without you.

This year, one of you, and I don’t know who, has offered a generous matching gift of up to $20,000. Although I don’t know who provided it, I do know that it isn’t the same individual who made an identical contribution last year. That gift ultimately resulted in $42,000 in donations for Hope’s ministry. I was stunned by your generosity last year. Thank you!

This year, I’m praying you will be even more generous in your giving. I know there are so many wonderful ministries you could support — all very deserving. Hope, like all of them, has so many needs, and so few resources to meet them. If you gave $50 last year, won’t you please consider giving $75? Maybe your gift was larger or smaller. Would you consider giving again this year, and perhaps increasing your gift in 2021? Maybe you’ve never given before. Would you prayerfully consider supporting Hope in its work? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if, together, we could turn $20,000 into $50,000 this year?

Remember, every dollar you give will be DOUBLED! Please help us continue to bring Hope to Life for those right here in our area who are struggling to find something they can be thankful for in their life.