
Stories of Hope part 3: God is With Us

Mar 12, 2025

Nearness, love, belonging: these are some of our greatest desires and needs as created beings made in God’s image. The absence of community or relationship might be your greatest fear and the cause of much fear and anxiety within and outside the church. We long for the steady assurance that we are not alone, that we’re delighted in, and that someone will be there for us when needed.

Today, we are contemplating “Emmanuel, God is with us,” and how living in that truth brings about healing change in a person’s life. It’s not very often you get a close-up view of someone’s counseling experience. But today, we’ve been permitted to share this vignette from one counselee’s transformative season in counseling with us.


A testimony of hope, from one counselee:

“[My counselor] was a God send. After my diagnosis of an aortic aneurysm, I was scared literally to death. I was scared to move out of fear of dying. Funny, because I have always been a risk taker. My job is in law enforcement, I ride a Harley, and have taken part in extreme sports. But this was different. I couldn’t control the fear. I knew I had to do something. I was just lying around the house trying not to move. I prayed, fasted, read scripture, but I was struggling. Then the Lord spoke to me. I knew I had to do my part and trust him before I would be released from this. But I didn’t know how.

“I researched Christian Counseling in the Chapel Hill area and located you guys. I filled out the form and set up an appointment. In the form, I listed what I was dealing with. When I arrived the first day, it was all I could do to get up the stairs into the office. I still remember this: when [my counselor] came in, he said, ‘I read your form and I see you have an aneurysm. I have a similar issue I have been dealing with for a while. In fact, I have an upcoming surgery for this.’  He said, ‘I know Jesus has put us together for a reason.’ I knew it too! He was able to get me grounded by showing me that God never leaves us. He is with us always. And he showed me how to control the things I can control and let go of the things I can not control and give that to Jesus. He helped me understand that I am only here on this earth to do the things that God has prepared for me to do for his redemptive plan for mankind. When that is finished, I will be taken home to be Jesus. This brings me great joy.

“One other thing that was beneficial for me was this: I was not really scared to die myself. I was more scared to leave my kids and family behind without me. [My counselor] helped show me that God has my family and loved ones in his care and they will be fine if something happens to me. I am in a waiting game now until my surgery. I pray daily that God lets me see another day and that I am able to make a difference for him. I try to rest in this assurance daily. And follow the bible when it says: ‘Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.’ You guys do tremendous work and I am thankful for you.”


This counselee was able to rest and let go in the loving arms of his Father who takes care of us, knowing that he is Emmanuel, “He is always with us.”

We rejoice that our brother has found peace and hope for himself and his family, even amidst his current struggle. And we celebrate that we’ve been given a Son who has purchased eternal relationship for us, allowing us to rest in him no matter our circumstances. We pray you experience this love, peace, and assurance today. Thank you for following along with Stories of Hope!

“I proclaim your saving acts in the great assembly…”

Psalms 40:9