
Gifts of Hope

This has been a trying year for so many, including many of us at Hope Counseling Services. Yet it has been a blessed year in many ways as well. And God has continued to expand our ministry at Hope, and provide more opportunities to bring Hope to Life. Donors play a...

Lamenting in Hope

Last year I read a book called Lament for a Son written by Nicholas Wolterstorff, a Christian philosopher. He wrote it in response to the sudden death of his son who died of a skiing accident at age 25. Wolterstorff paints a devastating picture of the pain a parent...

We Are Thankful

2020 has been a difficult year for many. We have experienced challenges and disruptions the likes of which many of us have never before encountered. At Hope, we too have felt the impact, as our offices closed in March, and all our teaching and counseling moved...

Be Still, My Soul: Understanding and Addressing Anxiety

I watch a lot of movies—not the kind playing on the big screen down the street or on the little screen inside my home, but the kind playing daily in the theatre of my mind. Certain themes play repeatedly, I’ve noticed. For example:The eyes of my heart look forward...