Resilient Faith Seminar

Saturday April 2nd, 9:00a – 12:00p

Location: Waypoint Church 6804 Farrington Rd Chapel Hill, NC 27517

Cost: $15


We live in a wearying world. This is not a new realization. The past two years have highlighted the challenges of making sense of a life in this broken world– a global pandemic, cultural tensions and conflicts, fractured relationships, health challenges, financial strain, friends and family who have left church or have left the faith altogether. The list goes on and on.

In Christ, however, weariness is not the end of the story. God promises us mercy and grace to help in our time of need. He promises that when we come to him, we can bring all our burdens and find true rest for our souls.

This seminar will provide rich biblical teaching on how we can cultivate a resilient faith, even in the midst of life’s hardships. 


Wes Tubel

Wes Tubel

Hope Executive Director & Counselor

Bryan Launer

Hope Counselor; Pastor of Counseling Christ Covenant Church (Raleigh NC)